Movies List
Stargate (1994)
Stars Fell on Henrietta, The (1995)
Starship Troopers (1997)
Steal Big, Steal Little (1995)
Stealing Beauty (1996)
Steel (1997)
Stefano Quantestorie (1993)
Stephen King's The Langoliers (1995)
Sting, The (1973)
Stonewall (1995)
Story of Xinghua, The (1993)
Strange Days (1995)
Stranger in the House (1997)
Stranger, The (1994)
Strawberry and Chocolate (Fresa y chocolate) (1993)
Street Fighter (1994)
Streetcar Named Desire, A (1951)
Strictly Ballroom (1992)
Striking Distance (1993)
Stripes (1981)
Striptease (1996)
Stuart Saves His Family (1995)
Stupids, The (1996)
SubUrbia (1997)
Substance of Fire, The (1996)
Substitute, The (1996)
Sudden Death (1995)
Sudden Manhattan (1996)
Sum of Us, The (1994)
Sunchaser, The (1996)
Sunset Blvd. (1950)
Sunset Park (1996)
Super Mario Bros. (1993)
Supercop (1992)
Surviving Picasso (1996)
Surviving the Game (1994)
Suture (1993)
Swan Princess, The (1994)
Sweet Hereafter, The (1997)
Sweet Nothing (1995)
Swept from the Sea (1997)
Swimming with Sharks (1995)
Swingers (1996)
Swiss Family Robinson (1960)
Switchback (1997)
Switchblade Sisters (1975)
Sword in the Stone, The (1963)
Symphonie pastorale, La (1946)
T-Men (1947)
Tainted (1998)